Upcoming events

Hooters Sanford Jan 26th 11am – 2pm
Downtown Longwood Feb 8th 5pm – 8pm

More info as we get closer to the events. Anyone else have an event or idea, either email me directly, use the contact us link, or direct message via the site

Hooters Sanford Roll Call (Jan 26th)

-Rick J
-David and wife
-Isabel and -Ray (both cars)
-Pat is a maybe
-Rick S

5 thoughts on “Upcoming events”

  1. Great David, I’ll update the post with everyone who said they will be coming (had a bunch reply via text message)

  2. I should be there by 10:30 the latest to save spots, anyone else coming early I think we’re going to park along the West side towards the mall along that long row of spots out of the way. Last show here the lot was full all the way past the dumpsters, every spot was taken.

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